13. September 2020
There are lots of reasons why people shouldn't be active or do highly intense activities. In my opinion, having a stoma is actually not one of them. Many people end up not doing things that they want to because they simply think they can't do it. Now if you have a medical reason not to do something then you should follow that reason. For the most part, whenever I talk to others who have a stoma they are actually rather active. There are simply a few people that have decided to shy away from the...
Ostomy Care · 03. September 2020
The surgical procedure to remove your bladder is known as a cystectomy.
Ostomy Care · 02. September 2020
An ileostomy diet refers to a diet plan that you will need to follow until your bowel recovers from surgery. It generally takes six weeks for the bowel to recover after surgery.
Ostomy Care · 02. September 2020
The purpose of urostomy care is to protect the stoma and the skin around it. By this, you can prevent skin complications and other infections. You can know better about urostomy care from an ostomy specialist.